What is energy, what is nature and what is the universe?
Time-neutral physics cannot currently provide convincing answers to those questions, nor to the riddle of why nature is so obviously creative. Once the earth was hostile to life. Now the climate, the atmosphere and the habitat are right for these Quiver trees in the Namib desert. Time-oriented physics would have no trouble answering these questions: Useful energy drives time as an ongoing degradation and loss of information (Ref. 451). In the process, the amount of energy itself is conserved. Energy is thus a construct of pure information, like money in economics.
Nature is the self-realisation of energy over time: energy self-organises into matter, matter into life and information into spirit in self-organised structures (Books Time arrow as trace of energy. Logical key to a spiritual universe / Zeitpfeil als Spur der Energie. Logischer Schlüssel zu einem geistreichen Universum). Information is therefore the key to creativity in nature. Turnover of information, its loss as well as the energetic provision of ever new information are the prerequisites for time to exist and flow forward. At the beginning of the universe there was information (e.g. words, as they are also understood by the great religions). It follows that the Big Bang theory is false. An aimless, entropy-producing explosion could not have set the universe in motion. Living nature is not a coincidence, but a game of gain and loss of employed information (energy), in which new information is constantly being set in motion. The quiver tree is an example of this.