NOREIA – a convincing new track

Map of the location of the famous Noreia of Roman times in the Canal Valley and site of the Battle of Noreia near the Gail in Carinthia

NOREIA (by the goddess of Noricum) was a Celtic place of pilgrimage in a strategically exposed position.

The book ‘The Light-flooded Mount LUSCHARI’ by Univ. Prof. H. Tributsch (Verlag bibitri, 2023) sheds light on the pre-Christian past of Mount Luschari, which is recognised as a millennia-old Indo-European sanctuary.

Tributsch identifies the underlying watershed in the Canal Valley (Kanaltal /Valcanale) (Saifnitz/Camporosso) as an important place of worship of Noreia, the goddess of Noricum (the syllable -eia in the reconstructed Indo-European language means ‘belonging to the previous word’ – in this case Noricum).

This new localisation of Noreia was compared with the historical sources about the famous Noreia of the Roman period and the site of the battle of 113 BC between the Romans and the Cimbri and Teutons. The map with the details entered illustrates the results.